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How To Work Through Tension In Marriage During #QuarantineLife (and every day thereafter)

Times of stress and tension in marriage are common.  Unfortunately, dealing with them in a healthy way is less common.  Sometimes the tension is overwhelming.  Sometimes we’re just too tired to deal with it and we hope it will magically disappear.  Sometimes it is the same old problem rearing its ugly head over and over again and we feel defeated…

9 Tips To Cultivating A Healthy Sex Life While In Toddler Season

Having multiple toddlers, or even one toddler, can seriously throw a wrench in your smooth-operator game. The balance between entertaining and keeping small humans not just alive, but thriving, and prioritizing quality time to connect with your spouse can become quickly unbalanced if you’re not intentional. Depleted days can run back-to-back and the thought of anyone touching you or requesting…