Author page: Candace

10-ish Fun Ideas to Keep Your Littles Busy at Home

10-ish Fun Ideas to Keep Your Littles Busy at Home

It’s easy to run out of things to do when all of your favorite toddler-friendly places aren’t quite safe yet. They days can feel extra long when your creative ideation stops at, “feed them breakfast.” Trust me, I’ve been there, so I decided to jump into my Toys “R” Us mindset and think like a kid. I researched and paid…

Your Self-Worth vs. Their Hurtful Words: You Redefined

Your Self-Worth vs. Their Hurtful Words: You Redefined

It’s interesting when old wounds rise to the surface. You see an old face on Instagram or a past friend comment on a FB thread and that familiar sting bites at your heart. With the current climate, I can’t help but wonder if the quarantine is just making me more sensitive or if God’s nudging me in the sweetest way…

9 Tips To Cultivating A Healthy Sex Life While In Toddler Season

9 Tips To Cultivating A Healthy Sex Life While In Toddler Season

Having multiple toddlers, or even one toddler, can seriously throw a wrench in your smooth-operator game. The balance between entertaining and keeping small humans not just alive, but thriving, and prioritizing quality time to connect with your spouse can become quickly unbalanced if you’re not intentional. Depleted days can run back-to-back and the thought of anyone touching you or requesting…

PPC DISCUSSION: When God Calls You To Be Brave

PPC DISCUSSION: When God Calls You To Be Brave

For days I’d been trying to figure out how to encourage you about something I’ve had to do I feel like my entire life–being brave–but was most times terrified along the way. I think some part of me believed that bravery meant the absence of fear. That being brave somehow meant I should be immune to the waves of anxiety…

7 Fun Date Night Ideas While #SocialDistancing

7 Fun Date Night Ideas While #SocialDistancing

You and your Forever-Boo are safe in the house but also BORED in the house! Date nights are nowhere near as exciting–or even existent (??)–now that you can’t frequent your favorite place or even have your favorite sitter come over to give you and your love-bird a break. So what do you do? You get creative and still make date…

Your Voice Isn’t Someone’s To Take

Your Voice Isn’t Someone’s To Take

There’s something special about our voices—the inflection, the tones, how we draw out our words to how we put words together—how we communicate overall. There’s no voice that is exactly the same, but so often we try to change our voices to mimic those we feel communicate the best or the most profound. God never created us to mimic each…

Our Brokenness for His Wholeness

Our Brokenness for His Wholeness

I had the opportunity to share what God has been speaking to my heart with some incredible women a few nights ago and wanted to share it with you. It encouraged me so much, especially right now when my heart has been juggling more than it can process. Take some time today to read this and allow it to settle…