Author page: Candace

The Approval of The “Theys”

The Approval of The “Theys”

I believe we’ve all done it. Explained why you were too afraid to pursue your dreams because “they” wouldn’t think you are smart enough, pretty enough, accomplished enough, edgy enough to succeed. Or, for us Christians, we do the “they” will question my salvation, motives, throw in the “did God say you can do that…,” and we take all of…

Wifeing: Meet Tiffany

Wifeing: Meet Tiffany

Always believe the best. This vlog series is a line up of incredible women sharing little nuggets of “wifeing” wisdom that you can take, sift, mold, put in your pocket and apply as needed to your marriage or future marriage. The vlogs have encouraged me so much and I hope they do the same for you! Meet Calah. Photo by Heather…

Wifeing: Meet Bre

Wifeing: Meet Bre

Your marriage is a beautiful tapestry. This vlog series is a line up of incredible women sharing little nuggets of “wifeing” wisdom that you can take, sift, mold, put in your pocket and apply as needed to your marriage or future marriage. The vlogs have encouraged me so much and I hope they do the same for you! Meet Tiffany.…

Wifeing: Meet Deanna

Wifeing: Meet Deanna

Unmet expectations don’t equal failure. This vlog series is a line up of incredible women sharing little nuggets of “wifeing” wisdom that you can take, sift, mold, put in your pocket and apply as needed to your marriage or future marriage. The vlogs have encouraged me so much and I hope they do the same for you! Photo by Lauren Richmond on Unsplash

Wifeing: Meet Makeisha

Wifeing: Meet Makeisha

You can change the atmosphere. This vlog series is a line up of incredible women sharing little nuggets of “wifeing” wisdom that you can take, sift, mold, put in your pocket and apply as needed to your marriage or future marriage. The vlogs have encouraged me so much and I hope they do the same for you! Meet Deanna. Photo…

Wifeing: Meet Brandelyn

Wifeing: Meet Brandelyn

Perfection is never the goal. This vlog series is a line up of incredible women sharing little nuggets of “wifeing” wisdom that you can take, sift, mold, put in your pocket and apply as needed to your marriage or future marriage. The vlogs have encouraged me so much and I hope they do the same for you! Meet Makeisha. Photo…

Wifeing: Meet Amanda

Wifeing: Meet Amanda

Respect is not something that’s earned. This vlog series is a line up of incredible women sharing little nuggets of “wifeing” wisdom that you can take, sift, mold, put in your pocket and apply as needed to your marriage or future marriage. The vlogs have encouraged me so much and I hope they do the same for you! Meet Brandelyn.…

Wifeing: Meet Meagan

Wifeing: Meet Meagan

Share your heart with your husband. This vlog series is a line up of incredible women sharing little nuggets of “wifeing” wisdom that you can take, sift, mold, put in your pocket and apply as needed to your marriage or future marriage. The vlogs have encouraged me so much and I hope they do the same for you! Meet Amanda.…

Wifeing: Meet Ayanna

Wifeing: Meet Ayanna

Your husband married you, not the idea of you. This vlog series is a line up of incredible women sharing little nuggets of “wifeing” wisdom that you can take, sift, mold, put in your pocket and apply as needed to your marriage or future marriage. The vlogs have encouraged me so much and I hope they do the same for…