Tag: featured1

Helpful Tips for the Work From Home Mama

Helpful Tips for the Work From Home Mama

It’s all so new and different. My office is no longer in a cozy cube across from my coworker, now it’s in my bedroom’s cozy nook. My comfy mama space has been replaced with a chair and small desk. I can’t just call out to my coworkers, instead I have to literally call them…like on a phone, or ZOOM. It…

Your Self-Worth vs. Their Hurtful Words: You Redefined

Your Self-Worth vs. Their Hurtful Words: You Redefined

It’s interesting when old wounds rise to the surface. You see an old face on Instagram or a past friend comment on a FB thread and that familiar sting bites at your heart. With the current climate, I can’t help but wonder if the quarantine is just making me more sensitive or if God’s nudging me in the sweetest way…