Heart Healing

Your Self-Worth vs. Their Hurtful Words: You Redefined

Your Self-Worth vs. Their Hurtful Words: You Redefined

It’s interesting when old wounds rise to the surface. You see an old face on Instagram or a past friend comment on a FB thread and that familiar sting bites at your heart. With the current climate, I can’t help but wonder if the quarantine is just making me more sensitive or if God’s nudging me in the sweetest way…

Your Voice Isn’t Someone’s To Take

Your Voice Isn’t Someone’s To Take

There’s something special about our voices—the inflection, the tones, how we draw out our words to how we put words together—how we communicate overall. There’s no voice that is exactly the same, but so often we try to change our voices to mimic those we feel communicate the best or the most profound. God never created us to mimic each…

Creative Creation: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Creative Creation: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Who knew hopes and dreams could be paralyzing. When finally you’ve reached the moment where the sky is the limit and all you have is time. The moment where hope is choked by anxiety and fear. “What if I fail?” “What if I’m not really meant to do this?” “Can I really do this?” “Is this a stupid idea?” “Who’s…

Our Brokenness for His Wholeness

Our Brokenness for His Wholeness

I had the opportunity to share what God has been speaking to my heart with some incredible women a few nights ago and wanted to share it with you. It encouraged me so much, especially right now when my heart has been juggling more than it can process. Take some time today to read this and allow it to settle…

Chasing Dreams

Chasing Dreams

So there’s a line that some people like to quote on occasion, in varying degrees of flippancy: “Well, you know, God knows my heart.” Oddly enough, I’ve heard this line quoted most when someone has messed something up, or is doing something with only half the effort, or in a general sense, up to no good. My usual reaction to…

Pearl of Great Price

Pearl of Great Price

I’m not much of a “handy” person. I’ve always admired people who can make something out of nothing, are willing to put in the work to build, or create things from raw materials. That’s never been me. Sadly. Even as a kid. Free art – pass. Coloring page – I’m down. Play with this assortment of Lego bricks – eh.…

Savor the Season

Savor the Season

The Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday season is one of the most demanding, depleting and delightful seasons of them all. Year after year, we find ourselves spending money we shouldn’t be spending, committing to parties we don’t have time to be at and baking baked goods that turn out to be “baked bads.” As women, the pressure of the season can sometimes feel…



I was suddenly surrounded by a fog of insecurities. “Women in their twenties don’t feel like this…” Am I the only one that’s been so intimidated by the #10yearchallenge? This new social media craze has highlighted a big character flaw – constant competition with previous versions of myself. There I was scrolling through the sea of selfies, only to be…

Friendly Imposters

Friendly Imposters

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can… make me bitter and angry.” A couple of years after I moved to Texas, I thought I’d developed some really great friendships with two young ladies I thought would become great staples in my life. I was beyond excited since I was so lonely in Austin. For months I would…



I have a confession and an apology. Confession: I’m a perfectionist. I push myself way too hard. I want to say sometimes, but let’s face it… it’s all the time. Apology: I want to apologize to myself. I’ve put you in some very hard to reach places. I’ve stuffed your feelings in a box and tightened the lid. I don’t…